Energetic Remedies

In Kinesiology we work with energetic remedies like essential oils and flower essences.

Essential oils have a range of health benefits and a whole host of metaphysical benefits, they have the ability to penetrate our cell walls and positively influence the behaviour of a cell.

One drop of an essential oil has 40 million trillion molecules, so less is always more.

Our olfactory sense (smell) is the quickest to change our mood, the nerves that enable us to register scents are directly linked to our Amygdala with is the ‘mood controller’ of our brain and the seat of all our survival emotions that drive our mood, behaviours and emotions.

Flower essences are essences that hold the healing vibrational energy of a flower.

Modern flower essences were created by Edward Bach, a British physician, in the 1930s. According to Bach, the energy of flowers can balance your emotions.

He believed that they can bring about mental, physical, and spiritual wellness.

They are made by infusing the flower into the water and extracting the energetic qualities of that flower with the heat of the sun, they are then preserved with Brandy.

The Flower essences that I use in my Kinesiology balances are called ‘Sky Flowers’

They are often taken by absorbing 3 drops under your tongue.


TCM Acupressure Points and Meridian Lines


Guided Breath work