TCM Acupressure Points and Meridian Lines

In Kinesiology we work with a range of non-invasive scientific concepts and methods to bring your body into balance allowing your body the best environment to heal.

These include working with the traditional Chinese medicine meridians lines and acupressure points.

There are 14 main meridians (energy pathways) in our bodies, these are all bilateral apart from our Central and Governing Vessels.

Along these meridian lines we have over 350 individual acupressure points, each of these have specific physical and metaphysical indications, we can derive a lot of information about your body and your internal process by working with your energy in this way

We will activate or sedate certain points depending on their under or over activity, as well as the Meridian lines themselves.

Occasionally if the shifts are still taking place the body will ask for an acupressure sticker with a little magnetic ball to continue to work with the energy in that point.


Muscle Testing


Energetic Remedies