Let’s work together.

Interested in working together?

Fill out some details below and Charlotte will reach out for an obligation free discovery chat to answer any further questions you may have


  • Kinesiology was founded in the 1960s by Dr. George Goodheart. He discovered through his work as a Chiropractor that muscle testing could be used to gather information from the body. Further to that often a physical ailment or symptom has an emotional link and that by addressing this you could see huge improvement in patients overall wellbeing.

  • In Kinesiology we do not treat or diagnose illnesses or ailments. Instead, we are working with the body to find out where you may be holding imbalances that are preventing your body from using its own healing abilities.

    You may come to Kinesiology with a specific reason ie. sleep issues, allergies, phobias, emotional stress etc. But many clients also come as part of their regular self care, assisting their body to function optimally in the face of daily stresses and to heal and integrate better. This also builds the mind-body connection for clients to be able to notice when they are out of alignment be it emotionally, physically or mentally.

  • In Kinesiology we use muscle testing in two ways, the most common is using your brachioradialis, your forearm muscle and your anterior deltoid as “indicator muscles” meaning that we are using bio-feedback from those muscles to bring information online and illicit a response. By working with your muscles in this way we are able to bypass the conscious mind and access the body’s innate wisdom, the subconscious.

    The other way that we use muscle testing in Kinesiology is working with the muscles in relation to energetics of each meridian/organ, when working this way we can understand more about where and why the body is holding stress.

  • For a Kinesiology balance you stay fully clothed so wear something comfortable and non restrictive for ease of muscle testing.

  • You can both come on the same day but where possible I always suggest that you come on your own for your appointment. This ensures that you get the best out of your session.

  • Each and every session is different, you will almost always walk away with new insights and perspectives about certain aspects or situations in your life. You may experience memories surfacing with new awarenesses and more vivid dreams. The biggest thing you normally notice is that you begin to feel different in normally triggering situations. People also often feel physically lighter after a balance.


The Holistic Hub Middle Park

278 Richardson Street, Middle Park 3206


Seed Chiropractic

406A Hampton Street, Hampton 3188