Talk Therapy

Often talk therapy is a big part of a Kinesiology session, understanding what you are shifting and why can be a big part of the integration process.

Our chat before getting onto the table is very much a ‘conscious mind’ discussion, as we know our conscious mind only runs about 5% of our day to day behaviours and choices therefore the really powerful conversations start when we get onto the table and begin to bypass that conscious mind and tap into the subconscious mind through your muscles and energy - this is where 95% of our patterns, beliefs and habits live.

The body frequently offers up themes or events to discuss that were not even on your radar, however as the session evolves and we trust the body’s process the method becomes clear.

Most of the time we are not consciously aware what our blocks or limiting beliefs may be, that is why we seek out Kinesiology.


Sound Vibrational Therapy