Our Spleen Meridian

Our Spleen Meridian runs from the outside of our big toe nail up the inner leg to the groin then up either side of our midline to Spleen 20 and back down under or arms on both sides. It is often associated with emotions and energies such as confidence and self assurance which can often be linked to experiences of rejection or perceived disapproval from others.

The other really interesting aspect is the theme of ‘towing the family line’ - behaviours that we have taken on from a young age out of a need for belonging or approval from our family, especially our parents.

These are often outdated behaviours or belief systems that were never our own and hanging onto these and living by them is in some way keeping us small.

One of the most common ones that seems seemingly harmless is ‘People Pleasing’ I challenge you to look at this habit of saying yes when you mean no or agreeing with people when your body is saying something else as a form of manipulating the energy to elicit a certain response. It has been a reframe that has really helped me.

Being in integrity with ourselves is the healthiest way for us to live. It is the only way to live a totally embodied and congruent life with your entire body and being.

I invite you to try massaging Spleen 20 bilaterally when you feel that grasping energy coming in, that need for instant gratification - notice what behaviours don’t feel aligned and notice the stories you have around them.


Our Small Intestine Meridian


Cedar wood Oil and its Grounding benefits